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September 22, 2010

Transition Trouble In The C Suite

With plenty of jobless people all around, it might seem like a stretch to feel particularly bad for CEOs who find themselves out of work. But, according to talent management firm OI Partners/FS&F, unemployed high-level executives face three particular hurdles that those in the lower tiers may not.

The firm said upper management can be insulated from criticism, so many executive haven't received an objective critique of their management styles and techniques. Many have also spent many years climbing the ladder in one company, so they haven't been exposed to a variety of corporate styles. They may also have a hard time accepting that, even if they've left a high level position at once company, their next potential employer may see them in a lower level position.

OI surveyed human resource staff from 243 companies about senior executives they have let go about what the C-suite dwellers need to find a new position. The issue cited the most-by 59 percent of the companies-was the need for an impartial evaluation of their leadership styles and behaviors. Fifty-three percent suggested coaching in new styles and techniques, and 51 percent said they need help motivating and engaging employees.

Nearly half of those surveyed, 48 percent, said the executives need to better understand their own strengths and weaknesses, while 46 percent said long service with one employer could be a barrier to a transition.

About a third of respondents said the executives had trouble with the idea that they might not serve in a top-level position with their next employer.

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