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February 14, 2011

Talk Back from the Feb. 14, 2011 issue

"What a wonderful, gentle man. A true leader with vision and compassion. Father McFarland will be greatly missed. This is a real loss for Worcester. If people knew how much he has done for the city behind the scenes, without any wish for promotion or publicity, they would be shocked. And grateful."

dmorris on news that the Rev. Michael McFarland will be stepping down from his post as head of the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester.

"Statistics over broader blocks of time, but local, are vital to specific homeowners looking to move. The yearly state numbers of increasing values but slight decrease in number of sales is the most accurate statistic and I'm glad to see that reported in your headline."

Edaniels3 on a WBJ Daily Report item about December home sales in Massachusetts.

"I have been waiting a long time for a store here. As it is, I have my son bring me a 'Wegmans' order whenever he comes to visit."

SKCONRAD on a MetroWest495 Biz item about the new Wegmans planned for the Northborough Crossing development.

"If anyone cares to look at the loooong growing list of Cape Wind opponents they'll see that the vast majority of them are working people and their organizations. That old saw about the only opponents being billionaires worried about their view won't fly anymore fellas."

Enviro Show responding to criticism of The Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound, which is opposed to the Cape Wind turbine project.

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