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July 28, 2010

Peter Stillman, vice president of correctional services, Spectrum Health Systems Inc.


Peter Stillman has been a senior-level health-care manager for a quarter century. After a brief hiatus to work for an investment firm, he's been hired by Spectrum, the Worcester-based substance abuse and mental illness organization with facilities across the country. In this Q&A, he talks about his two-hour commute from New Hampshire and the importance of whey protein bars in his daily routine.

Vital Stats
: 56
Residence: New Hampshire
Family: Wife of 37 years and daughter
Education: MBA, George Washington University
Previous job
: Managing director of an investment firm specializing in real estate and currency management Start date at new job: June 2010

Q. How are you settling in at your new office?
A. Quickly! The people with whom I work have been warm, helpful and are making my transition easy and delightful.

Q. What challenges do you see in your new position?
A. Spectrum is a solid organization with a long history of success and growth, in delivering a critical health service from which the entire community benefits. I see few real challenges - only opportunities to help make Spectrum even stronger.

Q. What's your favorite thing about Central Massachusetts?
A. The greenery and landscape.

Q. How close is this to what you imagined in high school you'd end up doing? 
A. I planned on going to medical school for most of my childhood (many of my childhood friends became physicians or otherwise ended up in health care). However, I also had a deep interest in business as well. Thankfully I was able to find a field which married both health-care delivery and the business/organizational activities which support the effective delivery of health-care services.

Q. How far is your commute to the office?
A. Approximately two hours each way - without bottlenecks. I anxiously await the beginning of the school year - and the increased volume on the highways. But it's worth it! I'm considering learning Latin during my time in the car. (Not really!)


Q. What's the best way to keep your energy and motivation up when you're having a long day?
A. Food and water - the right kind of food(!) throughout the day always helps. Lots of whey protein bars are key. And yes, some days seem longer than others, for all of us. It's part of the working public's condition. I believe though that a key to not only getting through a tough day, but any day, is to ensure that I am contributing to the team. I believe in keeping my mind uncluttered and focused.


Q. Where's the best place to get lunch near your new location?
A. My desk - loaded with healthy stuff - and no standing in line.

Q. Do you have any hobbies outside of work?
A. The more time I spend in the woods of New Hampshire, the happier I am - it's a gift to live in New Hampshire (and work in Massachusetts!). There's nothing like a good hike in the middle of nowhere!

Q. What's on your to-do list for the next couple of days?
A. Meeting more people on my team, meeting our clients, learning the business and many more activities - far too numerous to include!

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