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March 19, 2007

Outsourcer of the year

Globoforce, a Westboro-based employee reward and recognition outsourcing company, was named the number one provider of such things by the Brown-Wilson Group survey.

Brown-Wilson, a nonprofit group that puts out "The Black Book of Outsourcing," researched more than 3,500 outsourcing vendors in 27 countries for the 2006 survey, and Globoforce came out on top of its category.

Companies hire Globoforce, which also has a location in Dublin, Ireland, to start employee incentive, reward and recognition programs. Globoforce, which was established in 1999, has other programs that allow companies to recognize pretty much everyone they deal with.

"As the employee recognition market continues to grow, so does the demand for recognition solutions that motivate workforces worldwide," said Doug Brown, principal with Brown-Wilson.

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