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December 5, 2007

Metro-North work slower and more expensive than expected

Replacing catenary wires that power Metro-North trains will be finished later than expected and at a higher cost, state transportation officials say.

The job will be completed in 2017 -- two years later than anticipated -- and at a cost of about $480 million when bridge replacements are added in. The cost is more than $100 million more than initially expected.

The original $300 million budget did not include inflation and the cost of 14 bridges that are now part of the project, said Mark Neri, an engineer at the state Department of Transportation.

He said the bridges require more work, but transportation officials will replace and repair them to avoid shutting tracks more than necessary.

In 1992, the DOT estimated replacing the catenary wires would take up to 15 years to complete, but Neri said construction did not begin until 2000. So far, 40 percent of the Metro-North New Haven Line catenary system has been replaced.

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