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August 27, 2013

MassDevelopment Launches College Energy Pilot

Several Central Massachusetts colleges will be included in a $2-million energy efficiency pilot program, MassDevelopment announced.

Schools that are members of the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Massachusetts will be eligible for the Mass College Green program, which requires no up-front cost from participants and is aimed at accelerating energy efficiency at the state’s colleges.

Area schools that are part of the association are Anna Maria College, Assumption College, Becker College, Clark University, College of the Holy Cross, MCPHS University, Nichols College and Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

“We are excited about the opportunity to drive improvements in energy infrastructure at Massachusetts colleges and universities,” said MassDevelopment President and CEO Marty Jones. “This pilot program will demonstrate how innovative financing efforts, focused on energy efficiency, can provide immediate and long-term benefits to colleges and universities throughout the commonwealth.”

The program is similar to solar power purchase agreement offerings in that it has no initial cost for the schools. During a five-year contract, schools will pay only for delivered energy efficiency.

GreenerU Inc., which delivers energy and sustainability projects to New England’s college campuses, is MassDevelopment’s partner in the program and will handle its implementation, overseeing feasibility assessments; data gathering, budgeting, and sustainability goal setting; as well as the installation of an operational project.

MassDevelopment is the state’s finance and development agency.

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