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June 25, 2020

Mass. added another 30K unemployment claims last week, as state increased staff 4,000% to accommodate total claimants

Photo | Grant Welker Volturno, a restaurant on Shrewsbury Street in Worcester, has begun serving patrons in an expanded outdoor seating area.

Unemployment claims filed since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic have increased to 1,036,291 in Massachusetts, according to the U.S Department of Labor data released Thursday. 

There were a reported 29,671 new claims made throughout Massachusetts at the week ending June 20, which is 740 less than the week prior. The Labor Department on Thursday adjusted the number of claims made the week ending June 13, increasing from 30,156 to 30,411. 

To meet all the new demand for unemployment, the state Department of Unemployment Assistance has grown its staff from 50 to 2,000 and hosted town halls around the state.

The latest unemployment numbers come after Massachusetts began the second part of the second phase of the four-phase effort to reopen the economy. On Monday, the following places statewide were allowed to reopen: Indoor dining and table service at restaurants, personal training, retail dressing rooms (only by appointment), offices at 50% capacity, as well as tanning, massage therapy, and nail salons with restrictions. 

Source: Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor & Workforce Development

The industry with the most unemployment claims in the week ending June 20 is food & accommodation, making up 19% of all claims. It was followed by healthcare & social assistance (14%) and retail (13%), according to the Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor & Workforce Development.

Of the people making unemployment claims, 56% are women; 79% are white, 12% are Black and 8% are Asian; and 17% are Hispanic or Latino.

Source: Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor & Workforce Development

Nationally, there were 1.48 million claims that were filed last week, which is 60,000 less than the week prior. In total the country has over 48 million residents who have filed for unemployment claims since the coronavirus pandemic began.

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