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July 8, 2009

Lynn Congdon, Sales Counselor, The Willows at Worcester


Lynn Congdon didn't intend on working in the retirement biz. In fact, she went to college to become a teacher. But somewhere along the way she ended up in sales, and recently landed at The Willows at Worcester, a retirement community owned by Salmon Health and Retirement. Here, she discusses her new job as a "sales counselor" as well as her hopes for the future.

Vital Stats:
Residence: Worcester
Family: Two grown sons and two grandchildren
Education: Bachelor's in elementary education and English from the State University of New York at Plattsburgh
Previous job: Sales Manager, Jon LeClaire Builders, Grafton
Start date at new job: May 18, 2009

Q. How are you settling in at your new office?
A. I am settling in surprisingly quickly, thanks to my supportive colleagues. Our community is under construction and it's fascinating to come to work every day and see all the changes that took place in just 24 hours!

Q. What's the biggest surprise you've had in starting the job?
A. Until I was exploring future options with my own mother, I didn't have a full understanding of the wide variety of lifestyle options available in retirement living today. Everything at The Willows is geared toward a vibrant and engaging lifestyle that is conducive to the way older adults are choosing to live. I know from personal experience that The Willows stands out in that regard. It's a surprise and delight to find it right in Worcester.

Q. What challenges do you see in your new position?
A. The biggest challenge is educating adults who haven't considered their future lifestyle and making sure they understand how our community is much different than a health care setting. The Willows truly offers an array of amenities and services to meet the wants and needs of area seniors.

Q. How different is this job from your previous position?
A. This position is much more focused on coaching and educating people about their lifestyle options, instead of simply selling them a particular residence. At The Willows, we focus on how people want to live, as opposed to where they want to live.

Q. How close is this to what you imagined in high school you'd end up doing?
A. I thought I was going to remain a school teacher until I retired. I can still use many of my teaching tools in my sales counseling position, especially the listening and compassion skills that I acquired along the way.

Q. Where's the best place to get lunch near your new location?
A. Ciao Bella on Grove Street and Thai Island in Holden.

Q. What do you hope to be doing 10 years from now?
A. I hope to be still working for the Willows at Worcester and the Salmon family because our community really fills a lifestyle need that's growing among our aging population.

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