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August 1, 2011

Highlights from the Aug. 1, 2011 issue

On Page One

GOING THE DISTANCE — The average commute in Massachusetts is more than 27 minutes, well above the national rate. We look at trends in local commuting and talk to four commuters who take different modes of transportation to and from the office.

TEMPERATURE GAUGE — A national economic outlook index is revealing wariness on the part of small business owners.

COST COMPARSION —Two local hospitals prove their value in a new state report.

News & Analysis

CHEMICAL MAKEUP — The federal government’s reclassification of formaldehyde as a carcinogen has some local businesses concerned.

OVERSEAS — A local construction company and a local nonprofit have teamed up in a West African nation.

ACCESS TO CARE — The number of people insured in the Bay State is at an all-time high, but that doesn’t mean everyone can make an appointment with a doctor.

Special Focus: Law

DIVIDED INDUSTRY — Legislation on Beacon Hill has sparked controversy amongst car mechanics in the Bay State.

APPLICANT POOL — With a large surplus in recent law school grads, Massachusetts is one of the toughest states in the nation to find a job if you’re an attorney.

IDEA GENERATION — An effort to reform the patent process in the United States has pit big business against small business.

The List

Law firms in Central Massachusetts

Shop Talk

Q&A with Erik Wexler, president and CEO, Saint Vincent Hospital, Worcester


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