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February 19, 2009

Green Tech Cluster Chats Up Murray, McGovern

U.S. Rep. James McGovern, D-Worcester, and Lt. Gov. Timothy Murray were front and center this morning at a meeting of the Central Massachusetts Green Technology Cluster, which has been trying to find ways to grow such a cluster in Worcester and Central Mass.

The meeting was held at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. WPI and Clark University head the group working on ways to grow the cluster.

Last June, McGovern charged the group with their work and it issued an interim report in September outlining steps that could be taken, including hosting a conference on developing a green energy cluster in Massachusetts and finding ways for academics and industry to adopt green energy more quickly.

Today's meeting was a chance for elected and appointed officials, academics and business people to discuss the work and bring forth their ideas and concerns.

"We need to come together with a plan. Good things don't just happen, they take hard work and planning," McGovern said. "We need to go out there and be aggressive in attracting green jobs because other parts of the country are going to do so. Worcester's history is the birthplace of the industrial revolution in America and it can be the birthplace of the green revolution too."

Worcester can become a green city and it and Central Massachusetts can revive its manufacturing base with green industries, he said.

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