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March 3, 2009

Five Steps To Successful Job Interviews In A Tough Economy

If you're looking for a management job right now, the going is tough. Just landing an interview is a challenge. Suzanne Bates, president and CEO of Bates Communications Inc. of Wellseley, and author of "Motivate Like a CEO: Communicate Your Strategic Vision and Inspire People to Act!" has some suggestions that may be able to help.

Step One: Take stock of your career
Employers are looking for not just experience, but leadership qualities - decision making, analytical skills, people skills, as well as the right combination of personal qualities, such as a balance of humility and confidence. Before you even go on an informational interview with a friend, spend some time taking stock of your career. What challenges have you faced? What have you learned? How have you used those lessons to become a better leader? Get some personal perspective on the road you've taken, so that you are able to articulate your value to a future employer.

Step Two: Write down stories that highlight your leadership
A job interview is an opportunity to tell the story of your management career. This is not something you do "on the fly." Time is precious and your story needs to tell well, and make a powerful point. Write down these stories and practice out loud so that when you go to the interview, you know it cold.

Step Three: Emphasize qualities that differentiate you
Among the qualities that differentiate great leaders is the ability to communicate, motivate and inspire their teams. Have you brought together a group of individuals that worked tirelessly on a project because they were so engaged? What was the outcome? Why were they so inspired? Can you point to instances where employees were excited about what they were doing? These are the stories that a future employer will remember when considering you against other candidates.

Step Four: Don't wait to be asked
You have the ability to manage the interview - find ways to share these stories no matter what you are asked. For example, let's say the interviewer asks, "What are your strengths?" Instead of ticking off a laundry list of skills, share one of the stories that highlights a leadership quality. Brag about your team, brag about results, not about yourself. Don't wait for the perfect question - many interviewers are not skilled at conducting interviews, even at the senior levels. Take responsibility for making it a great interview.

Step Five: Make it a conversation - ask your future employer to share stories, too
The best job interviews are really conversations where there is a meeting of the minds. At the end you want to have created a feeling, an impression, that this would work. People want to work with people they like and respect. When you connect with people by asking them to tell their stories, they remember you and are impressed by your curiosity. Their stories also give you a chance to size up whether the organization is a good fit for you. People love to share their stories and appreciate someone who is interested in them.

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