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November 25, 2019

Climate change activists pressure Beacon Hill

Courtesy/Hsiang, Kopp, et. al/Science Worcester County is among many across the northern part of the country that would benefit from climate change, researchers say.

Climate activists gathered at the State House as the 2019 legislative work year wound to a close last week to remind the Legislature that they are eager for action on climate policy in 2020 -- and that inaction could have electoral consequences.

A group that included Boston Climate Strikers, the Sunrise Movement, the Sierra Club and 350 Mass held a press conference Wednesday with a small group of lawmakers to voice their frustration with the pace of climate policy action on Beacon Hill and to lay out a few expectations for the remaining seven months of formal legislating to come in the new year.

"The eyes of all young people are upon you, scrutinizing your decisions on this issue," Sam Draisen from Boston Climate Strikers said.

"We challenge our elected officials to protect our planet, to fix the practices of our commonwealth."

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