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April 15, 2008

Chancellor Search Starts For UMass Med. School

The search for UMass Medical School 's new chancellor has officially begun. The search committee held its first meeting Monday afternoon.

The committee is made up of 23 members, including representatives of the college's administration, faculty and trustees. The committee is chaired by Philip W. Johnston, a trustee, former state legislator and president of health care consulting firm Philip W. Johnston Associates. UMass researcher and Nobel Prize winner Craig C. Mello is the vice chairman.

Jack Wilson, president of the UMass system, told the committee members their job is to submit an unranked slate of finalists who would all be outstanding chancellors. He said the search should go on for as long as it takes to accomplish that.

The school has been without a permanent leader since March 2007, when Dr. Aaron Lazare stepped down from the position after 16 years.

UMass has created a web site that lists the committee members and includes updates on the search process.

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