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April 15, 2016

C. Mass gets $30K for stormwater compliance

Wikimedia Commons Westborough is one of over 30 towns served by the Central Massachusetts Regional Stormwater Coalition.

The Central Massachusetts Regional Stormwater Coalition received $50,000 from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection for new state stormwater permit requirements set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

The coalition, which represents more than 30 communities in Central Massachusetts, will use the money to make sure small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) in its cities and towns are up to speed on new EPA requirements.

Under the updated permits, towns are required to develop a stormwater management program to control pollutants, protect water quality and comply with certain requirements of the federal Clean Water Act. The general permit requirements, which build on previous general permits issued in 2003, include requirements to address water quality problems, including stormwater discharges with total maximum daily loads for bacteria, phosphorous and nitrogen.

Though the permit was signed April 4, municipal officials will have plenty of time to comply, according to a press release from the EPA.

Coalition member municipalities include Shrewsbury, Leicester, Auburn, Westborough, Uxbridge, Sturbridge and Charlton, among others.

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