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December 12, 2019

Babe Ruth Farm builder buys Southborough industrial lot for $750K

Photo | Google This 4.6-acre site in Southborough has been sold.

A Hudson home builder has purchased a 4.6-acre parcel in Southborough for $750,000.

The deal closed Tuesday.

Kane Built Inc. bought the site permitted for a 25,098-square-foot industrial building, near Simarano Drive in Marlborough. The owner, Roger Kane, and his company have constructed more than 1,500 homes in Greater Boston since the 1970s, according to the firm’s website.

The seller and co-owner, Joel Aho, president of Aho Properties of Arlington, said he and his father worked with Southbourough’s Zoning Board of Appeals to obtain a variance and special permit.

Kane could not immediately be reached for comment.

The company's website site says among the homes it has built includes the Archibald Cox Estate, for the Watergate prosecutor, and the Babe Ruth Farm in Sudbury, where it developed a 60-luxury home subdivision, complete with town playing fields, a children’s playground and swimming pool.

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