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March 10, 2009

Audrey Hall, General Manager, WICN


Audrey Hall has worked in radio news, cable advertising and communications consulting. Now, she's the general manager of Worcester public radio jazz and folk station WICN. In this Q&A she talks about promoting the arts in a time of tight budgets.

Vital Stats:

  • Residence: Framingham
  • Family: I have a wide circle of wonderful friends, and a fantastic family which all keep me grounded and very happy.
  • Education: B.A. in mass communications, State University of New York, College at Buffalo; graduate studies, Pace University in White Plains, N.Y.
  • Previous job: Founder of a strategy and marketing communications practice and a 20+ year media management professional in radio, advertising, broadcasting and cable television.
  • Start date at new job: Jan. 26, 2009

Q. How are you settling in at your new office?
A. It's easy to settle in at WICN because it's such a welcoming environment. I'm surrounded by dedicated people who love what they do. We work in a beautiful setting at the station, we're visited often by local and traveling world class musicians who play in our performance hall and interview on air, we talk to listeners who love jazz and folk and who are grateful we bring it to them, and the music surrounds us all day long. The community is very welcoming and is greatly appreciative of WICN's cultural contribution.

Q. What's the biggest surprise you've had in starting the job?
A. I'm surprised at how many great venues exist in the city of Worcester where our station is located. So many wonderful institutions, organizations and establishments are all within walking distance of each other. I'm impressed by the widespread philanthropy and the levels of support from area foundations.

Q. What challenges do you see in your new position?
A. It's always a challenge to keep up with the evolution of technology that changes the way people want to receive and hear their music and news. We want to make sure the content and method of delivery is evolving to keep up with what listeners want. As budgets tighten and the arts become more vulnerable to cuts, WICN will continue to advocate for the arts.

Q. How different is this job from your previous position?
A. I've been in media for more than 20 years and I've also served in leadership roles within many nonprofits, private companies and public companies. WICN is a hybrid of what I've experienced across many sectors.

Q. How close is this to what you imagined in high school you'd end up doing?
A. I didn't know what I wanted to do until my sophomore year in college, at which point I discovered my interest in media communications. Once I decided to get on that track I felt as if I had found my calling. I've been in the field ever since. I consider myself very lucky to have chosen a career path which has proven to be the perfect fit.

Q. Where's the best place to get lunch near your new location?
A. I don't get out much for lunch but I'm told that Joe's Cafe, which is closest to our station, offers delicious, reasonably priced sandwiches so I look forward to trying one soon. Dinner is another story. I can't report back on that for quite some time because I'm on a mission to try as many of the wonderful restaurants in the area as possible. That will take a while!

Q. What do you hope to be doing 10 years from now?
A. I'll be sharing our success story - the story of how a local station based in Worcester helped grow, preserve, and enhance jazz appreciation in society. After all, jazz is an important part of America's cultural history. I always plan to be engaged enriching other people's lives, enjoying my family and friends and giving back to the community. Those are things that are important to me and will always be a part of who I am.

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