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September 17, 2019

Amazon delivery firm lays off 201, including in Milford

Photo | Google Amazon's Milford warehouse

A local delivery service company is laying off 201 Massachusetts drivers, as it is ending its relationship with online commerce giant Amazon, and some of those layoffs are affecting Amazon’s Milford fulfillment center.

Urban Mobility Now, which has offices in Boston and Bristol, Conn., is ending its contract with Amazon, according to an Amazon spokesperson.

Urban Mobility Now could not immediately be reached for comment.

According to a filing with MassHire Department of Career Services, the layoffs will be effective Oct. 8.

The company was contracted with Amazon through the Seattle e-commerce firm’s local delivery service program, but Urban Mobility Now informed Amazon it was voluntarily ending that relationship.

Amazon is working with the company to support those drivers by providing opportunities to deliver Amazon packages with other local delivery service partners.

Amazon opened its distribution facility on Industrial Road in 2016. In addition to Milford, Urban Mobility Now’s layoffs affect workers at Amazon facilities in Chelsea and Dedham. 

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