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August 29, 2011

2011 40 Under Forty: Jennifer Mangini Perry


Company location: Sturbridge

Residence: Westborough

Favorite movie: "Stranger Than Fiction"

Age: 33

Career highlights: After graduating from Montserrat College of Art with a bachelor of fine arts degree in illustration, I applied for an internship with Smith & Jones in Worcester. From there I went on to a graphic design position at SunLife Financial and then to Delin Design where I stayed until returning to Smith & Jones as a senior designer/visual strategist in 2006.

Community involvement: I volunteer pro-bono design and illustration for local nonprofits and causes that are close to me. Through Smith & Jones, I have been an active participant in the CreateAthon 24-hour design-for-charity event for the past five years. I also give seminars and talks on professional art and creativity to colleges and high schools.

Biggest success: Being an artist professionally at all is a major success. Artistic fields are very competitive and they take a lot of personal investment. It is less a job description and more of a personal identity. Also, I managed to pay off all my school loans by working in the industry I majored in, and without ever having to ask, “Would you like fries with that?”

Biggest challenge: I think anyone in a communication-based art career struggles with turning on inspiration to fit the 9-to-5 workday. We’re taught that inspiration is something that gifts us with its presence, but I disagree.

Inspiration is like a muscle, you have to work it out. You have to learn how to inspire yourself, how to look at the world and be open to its ideas and shapes and colors and then make them your own. It is never easy, but it is always rewarding.

Mentors: The nature of my work is collaborative, so I have had many mentors and partners in crime, each of whom has had an influence on me. From college professors to bosses to family members and friends, each mentor has reminded me that while I may have my own wisdom and knowledge, I will never have the whole picture.

Hidden talents: I am synesthetic and I make a mean eggplant parm. 

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