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August 31, 2009

2009 40 Under Forty: Stacy L. Carpenter

Stacy L. Carpenter

Age: 33

Title: President

Company: Caspian Associates

Company location: Shrewsbury

Residence: Shrewsbury

College: University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Career highlights: As president of Caspian Associates, my job entails making the company’s vision a reality, constantly engaging with the scientific and politico-regulatory communities, harnessing the latest technologies and making sure clients stay embarrassingly happy.

I was led to pursue a degree in wildlife and fisheries conservation because of a curiosity I had in the natural world. During that time of study I became chair of the student chapter of The Wildlife Society. At graduation, a private firm contacted me and offered me a job. It has been one great adventure since.

Community involvement: Several organizations have allowed me to give time and skill to their vision, including Neighbors for Neighbors Inc., The Mug Project and Greenwalks.

I serve as vice president of the Association of Massachusetts Wetland Scientists and I chair the working group for Wildlife and Habitat Restoration through the Wildlife Society.

Currently under construction at Caspian is a giveback program that will provide funds to assist in the purchasing of municipal open spaces. Open space is one of the most underfunded yet value-rich components of a community.

Biggest professional success: The greatest success is the continued respect I receive from regulators and colleagues.

Dream job: This isn’t it?

Businessperson she admires most and why: My father oversaw the operations of a mid-sized company (100+ stores) and was fanatical about the welfare of the employees.

Years of observing the right thing being done when no one was looking left an indelible mark.

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