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September 1, 2008

2008 40 Under Forty: Christina Andreoli

Christina Andreoli

Age: 30

Title: Communications Director

Company: City of Worcester

Residence: Worcester

Career highlights:

I work directly for Worcester’s City Manager, so at any given time, I might be addressing any number of issues from economic development to housing/neighborhoods to trash collection. My primary responsibility is media relations/public information — however, with a small staff and limited resources, we all take on a lot more responsibility. I also serve as the community liaison and work closely with external organizations.

For instance, I work closely with Choose Worcester and Destination Worcester on marketing the city to developers and tourists alike. We are working on new and creative campaigns amd events to attract new developers and businesses to the city.

Previously, I worked in public relations at Fallon Community Health Plan and earned a degree in magazine journalism/ communications from Syracuse University.

Community involvement:

I’m on the board of directors for Children Friend and First Night Worcester.

I love working with kids, and being involved in projects, generating new ideas to market events/programs and love working with others who care as much about this community as I do.

Biggest professional success:

I’ve done a lot of things that I find personally rewarding in my profession, so it’s hard to pinpoint one thing.

Dream job:

To own my own shop/boutique (shhh, don’t tell anyone, accessories, handbags, shoes, and jewelry!)

Businessperson you admire most:

My Mom — she has worked her entire adult life and has been a role model for me and my sisters.

She is a registered nurse with a master’s degree and an assistant vice president at Fallon Community Health Plan. Both my sisters have been successful in their own careers.

If you weren’t doing the job you’re doing now, what would you do?

I don’t really know. I love to write and edit, so I might find a job working at a magazine.

Favorite movie:

“Mary Poppins.”

If you were stuck on a desert island what book would you want to have with you?

“The New Earth.”

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