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April 12, 2010

101 Website Mistakes

Years ago, so long as you had a web site for your small business, you were in good shape; the web site didn’t even have to be good. These days, however, a bad web site is akin to imminent corporate death.

The following web site advice will help you avoid that outcome and will put you on the road to enlightened online exposure.

Keep It Simple. A flashy and elaborate intro may be eye-catching, but it also can defeat the purpose.

“Customers arrive at your web site expecting to find helpful information about the products and services that inter-est them, not a slowly unfolding display of digital animation,” says the team at “Use flash wisely — and sparingly — in your professional web design.”

Find A Balance. Creating a successful web site requires attention to both the visuals and functionality.

“When your web site design is full of graphics and images, it requires a greater amount of bandwidth,” says “The increased bandwidth takes longer for the user to download. In the time it takes for your web site design to load, your customers may very well decide it’s not worth the wait.”

Hired Help. You don’t need to break the bank to create an effective web site.

“If you don’t trust yourself to design your site, put up flyers at the local colleges asking for some cheap help,” suggests Lisa Barone at “A college or even high school student in need of some real world examples to add to their resume or portfolio will likely jump at the chance to help build a local site.”

Eyes On The Prize. Remember that your goal is to create a web site that is useful and gives visitors reason to come back.

“The fatal flaw of virtually all small business web sites is that they offer no reason for someone to ever revisit the site,” Barone says. “In order for your site to be interesting to users, there has to be some degree of dynamic or changing content. Create something that will get people engaging on your site and make them keep visiting.” 

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