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December 6, 2010

101: Crisis Planning

No one wants to think the worst will happen, but sometimes it does. We’ve rounded up some expert advice on how to make sure when crisis hits, your business is prepared.

Identify hazards. Preventing a crisis is the first and most important step in crisis planning. Although it may be impossible to imagine every business crisis that may arise, it is possible to develop plans before disaster strikes. Taking a hard look and examining your company’s vulnerabilities is the best way to prepare.

According to an article at, “Every part of the country is susceptible to some kind of natural disaster — hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and ice storms, to name but a few.

“Likewise, man-made disasters such as oil or chemical spills, fires, and civil unrest can occur almost everywhere. The fact that your area has not experienced such events is no guarantee that they cannot or will not happen eventually, and with little or no warning.”

Get organized. Laying the groundwork for crisis plans and getting organized early gives your company the best chance of a favorable outcome in the midst of a crisis.

An article at instructs companies to “Organize your team so that you can overcome the situation. Doing so will show them that you value their hard work and dedication, in addition to solving problems that could undermine your business and lead to its failure.”

Don’t wait. Being prepared for a crisis and having a plan in place is key for your company to survive an emergency. As Ellie Whims writes on AllAboutPublic-, the “object lesson here is: Don’t wait.

“Don’t wait until you are in the midst of a crisis to try to figure out what needs to be done,” she continues. "You will have your hands full as it is, dealing with whatever situation caused the crisis in the first place.”

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