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Poll results

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, high school seniors are beginning to re-evaluate the investment in a college degree, with some looking to enter the workforce sooner. This has accelerated a trend where students were looking to avoid the five- and six-figure debt associated with a four-degree, particularly as higher-paying industries like manufacturing that don't require a college degree face labor shortages.

When looking to fill jobs, does your company prioritize applicants with college degrees?
Yes, we do for all positions. (23%, 36 VOTES)
Yes, but only for some positions (39%, 61 VOTES)
We didn’t always, but now we do. (2%, 3 VOTES)
We used to, but we don’t anymore. (8%, 12 VOTES)
A college degree has never been a factor in our hiring. (28%, 43 VOTES)
Poll Description

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, high school seniors are beginning to re-evaluate the investment in a college degree, with some looking to enter the workforce sooner. This has accelerated a trend where students were looking to avoid the five- and six-figure debt associated with a four-degree, particularly as higher-paying industries like manufacturing that don't require a college degree face labor shortages.

  • 155 Votes

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  • February 28, 2022

    We look at college graduates first for most positions; however, a degree doesn't seem to be necessary for many of the positions. Supervisors are old fashioned and look for a degree when none is really necessary to do the job.