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Poll results

The Worcester Regional Transit Authority zero-fare bus program will continue at least until June 2024 per an announcement from the WRTA board. The zero-fare program began amid the COVID-19 pandemic, and has now been extended twice, with supporters saying it promotes equity and supports local economic revitalization.

What change to the WRTA do you most strongly support?
Free fares (12%, 16 VOTES)
A wider route network (17%, 24 VOTES)
More frequent service (12%, 16 VOTES)
All of the above (46%, 63 VOTES)
None of the above (14%, 19 VOTES)
Poll Description

The Worcester Regional Transit Authority zero-fare bus program will continue at least until June 2024 per an announcement from the WRTA board. The zero-fare program began amid the COVID-19 pandemic, and has now been extended twice, with supporters saying it promotes equity and supports local economic revitalization.

  • 138 Votes

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  • April 25, 2023

    It is time to consider converting the most heavily-utilized bus routes to light rail. Light rail would be a permanent signal of commitment to a more walkable urban form and sustainable future. The improved service would attract even higher ridership, reduce traffic, and promote private investment. Realistically, it would take at least a decade to build a light rail line -- as Worcester continues to build high-density residential units in the downtown core, traffic will worsen exponentially in that period. A reliable alternative to cars will be essential to ensuring that we do not choke off future growth potential, while also making the city more livable for its residents.

  • Steven Jones-d'agostino
    April 24, 2023

    Also, have the Worcester Regional Research Bureau research, analyze, interpret, and report publicly the impact on overall public-health costs (economic, environmental, social, and cultural) of doing "all of the above" in healthy, sustainable ways, to determine what - if any - overall public-health savings are generated.