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Poll results

The Worcester Redevelopment Authority has grown frustrated with the owners of the Great Wall building on Main Street and the Midtown Mall on Front Street, but both owners have recently said they are working to fix the buildings and join the downtown revitalization movement. 

Should the WRA pursue eminent domain of the Great Wall and Midtown Mall, even as owners say they are working to fix problems with the buildings?
Yes (63%, 110 VOTES)
No (38%, 66 VOTES)
  • 176 Votes

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  • September 24, 2019

    Taking private property should be the very last resort. If they are working on it let them be.

  • September 24, 2019

    Definitely! They have had plenty of time and both properties are a blight on our shiny new downtown.

  • September 24, 2019

    Do get serious about redeveloping that area!

  • September 24, 2019

    I hate to say it, but after years of safety issues (bbuilding and people and health), the owners had a responsibiity. They were given may opportunities over many years.

  • September 24, 2019

    even if eminent domain is enforced, does that mean the neighborhood is going to be cleaned up. the real issue with that area is the leadership who sits in City Hall. they are more to blame for the massive downtown drug problem than a landlord here and there. they don't have the courage within their leadership responsibility to enforce laws on the books for mass drug addiction with the redevelopment project. the city needs clear thinking not PC thinking.