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Poll results

The national personal saving rate soared during the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic, rising from 12.7% to 32.2% in April. After nearly a year, the savings rate remains above average. While some have lost jobs and income during the coronavirus pandemic, the vast majority of Americans are still employed. This has led to speculation spending may increase significantly once the pandemic is over.

In what area do you expect your personal spending will increase the most once you enter post-pandemic life?
Travel & leisure (47%, 79 VOTES)
Dining & entertainment (26%, 44 VOTES)
Real estate or home improvements (7%, 12 VOTES)
Retail (1%, 1 VOTES)
Other (leave a comment) (1%, 2 VOTES)
I don't plan to spend my savings. (11%, 18 VOTES)
I haven't saved any extra money during the pandemic. (8%, 13 VOTES)
Poll Description

The national personal saving rate soared during the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic, rising from 12.7% to 32.2% in April. After nearly a year, the savings rate remains above average. While some have lost jobs and income during the coronavirus pandemic, the vast majority of Americans are still employed. This has led to speculation spending may increase significantly once the pandemic is over.

  • 169 Votes

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