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Poll results

In 2010, more than 33% of low- and middle-income renters in Worcester were overburdened by the cost of renting their homes in the city. By 2020, that increased to 72%, according to an analysis of U.S. Census data. Rents spiked even further throughout the COVID pandemic, and in August 2022 the observed rent in the city was $1,800, an 80% rise from 2015.

Does the cost of living in Worcester hurt your employee recruitment and retention efforts?
Yes (50%, 56 VOTES)
No (50%, 55 VOTES)
Poll Description

In 2010, more than 33% of low- and middle-income renters in Worcester were overburdened by the cost of renting their homes in the city. By 2020, that increased to 72%, according to an analysis of U.S. Census data. Rents spiked even further throughout the COVID pandemic, and in August 2022 the observed rent in the city was $1,800, an 80% rise from 2015.

  • 111 Votes

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  • Steven Christy
    November 29, 2022

    The biggest problem is business Has to compete with a government that pays people not to work. When you have to compete against that as a business, it makes it a lot tougher . It’s not the rents that the people are paying that’s not the problem. And whatever happened to the days of working two jobs and sometimes three if needed , like a lot of us did just saying..

  • Richard J Patient
    November 28, 2022

    The rents in city have to increase because of the cost of doing business in the city. The administration continues to be unfriendly to businesses and the real estate tax burden, water & sewer fees, etc. are shifted more and more by residential units as business leave Worcester. Keep voting for the lowest possible residential tax rate, residential will be paying full boat eventually anyway.

  • November 28, 2022

    If a company wants to attract employees, they must pay those employees a sufficient amount for those employees to live in the area. Those companies should not ask the city and its taxpayers to supplement the cost of living for their employees.

  • November 28, 2022

    A drastic increase in rent costs in addition to a higher cost of living means city residents need higher pay or have to take on additional employment in order to survive. As a small business in the City of Worcester, which has now increased taxes which everyone knows gets passed on to the middle class and those less fortunate, it is impossible for me to even consider offering more pay to an employee.

  • November 28, 2022

    Pressure to job-hop is higher as rent and the overall price index increases in the area. This, in turn, creates a more unstable job market where staff is rotating quickly and always in training.