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May 28, 2020

Worcester County sees 22 new coronavirus deaths and 66 new cases Thursday

Photo | Grant Welker Milford Regional Medical Center

Worcester County recorded 66 new coronavirus cases and 22 new deaths Thursday, according to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

The new cases Thursday contribute to the 10,713 total cases within Worcester County since the outbreak began. Statewide, there were 675 new cases adding to the 94,895 overall.
The 22 new deaths increased the tally to 738 in Worcester County, and statewide 93 new fatalities brought the total to 6,640.

DPH on Thursday reported 10,179 newly administered coronavirus tests for a total of 562,323.

Reported cases in the city of Worcester increased by 23, bringing the total to 4,060.

UMass Memorial Health Care and Saint Vincent Hospital in Worcester reported a slight decrease in cases, with 189 cases Thursday, which is 17 less than Wednesday. Intensive care cases also decreased with 67 cases on Thursday, which is a 12-patient decrease. There have been 320 employees who have tested positive for coronavirus between the hospitals. Overall, the hospitals have had 269 total coronavirus-related deaths.

MetroWest Medical Center in Framingham and Natick reported 54 suspected and confirmed cases, and Milford Regional Medical Center reported 13, according to DPH. In total, the hospitals had 19 cases in intensive care. Harrington Hospital, Heywood Hospital, and HealthAlliance in Leominster reported 43 suspected or confirmed cases, and nine in the ICU.

Throughout the nation, cases have risen to more than 1.7 million and more than 101,000 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University in Maryland. Globally, there are almost 5.8 million cases, and 358,369 fatalities. 

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