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January 13, 2009

Why Use Employee Surveys?

Studies show that employee surveys can be very important and desired by most staff members. Contrary to any grumbling that management hears, employees, in general, like surveys. The primary reason: Someone is asking them for their opinion, thoughts, and feedback. Surveys provide an injection of empowerment and, to some level, control.

People tend to take surveys seriously, too. They typically conduct thoughtful consideration of their answers, even for surveys submitted anonymously. Employees want to be "heard," they believe their ideas have value, and they appreciate the mere fact that they were asked.

Management often spends large sums of money with third parties to generate ideas and suggestions for a wide variety of operational, financial, and marketing issues. While most of the time money and effort involved in third party surveys, reports, and consultations is well spent, management often overlooks an equally effective group: their workforce.

Regardless of the typical education level, years of experience, or developed expertise of staff, there typically is no other individual or group that has their level of operational familiarity with your company. Asking employees for opinions on current company conditions or ideas for future corporate improvement can yield wonderful benefits.

Courtesy of Kelly Services. Click here to read the complete article. To learn more about Kelly Services, visit

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