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Updated: January 23, 2023 Know How

Web design trends to watch in 2023

A variety of new and timeless design trends will set the best websites apart in 2023. Consider implementing a few of these ideas to give your site a fresh look and feel.

Emma Pagano is the strategic director for web design and marketing firm Pagano Media, with offices in Worcester and Boston. Reach her at

Creative typography

Fresh typography expresses creativity on your website. Fonts to watch: Futuristic, Serif, and Classic Modernism. Futuristic fonts blend sharp and rounded corners, wide letters, and a clean blocky feel. Serif remains a timeless staple for brands evoking sophistication, timeless elegance, and brand trust. Classic modernist typefaces such as Neuvetica are rooted in clean lines and simplicity.

Subtle animation

Animated text engages and informs the viewer. A fade in/out, slide in/out, animated typing, and horizontal and vertical scrolling enhance messaging. Animation overload can overwhelm viewers, so save this treatment for key messaging points.

Custom illustration

Web visitors are getting tired of seeing similar stock photography across websites. Enter digital illustrations: a new way to tell your brand story. Illustrations tend to attract more attention than text, especially when users only scroll on a page for 10 seconds or less.

Scrolling effects

As users scroll down a webpage, different layers of content can move at varying speeds, creating depth. Well-designed scrolling effects engage users to scroll for more information. Horizontal scrolling is a smart option for portfolio-heavy websites, such as real estate, architecture, and construction.

Page speed

Many factors determine page speed, including file sizes and image compression. Since Google Search puts a premium on page speed, it is a major factor in determining your website’s success. Page speed impacts visitor satisfaction and, ultimately, your web conversion rate.


Web accessibility is the inclusive practice of making websites accessible to people with disabilities. Making your website accessible not only benefits people with disabilities but communicates to a wider pool of potential customers and employees. Start by adding alternative text for images and using proper headings to meaningfully outline content.


Video is the best medium for showcasing your people, products, and services. If your competitors list written attributes about their products, while you visualize products through video, viewers will be inclined to pursue the option they can see. Since Google owns YouTube, video helps boost Google search rankings.

Color theory

Color influences a web visitor’s understanding, mood, and behavior. Color theory helps web designers select impactful color combinations. Decide when to use vibrant or soft colors, depending on your brand identity and emotions you’d like to evoke in visitors.

Search engine optimization

Prioritize SEO in the design phase. Ensure your navigation menu and pages accurately reflect your core product or services. Approach web design with a mobile-first mentality for SEO purposes.


Web visitors enjoy clean, easy-to-use websites in the age of information overload. A cluttered or confusing design sows confusion and causes viewers to exit your site. Less is more in 2023, and beyond.

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WBJ Web Partners


March 17, 2023

It was awsome time reading your blog which gave important information. But according to me you have missed out some of the other points which I have mentioned here.
1. Minimalist designs
2. Dark mode
3. Personalized experiences
4. Augmented reality
5. Sustainable design
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March 1, 2023

Your article on web design trends to watch in 2023 was incredibly informative and thought-provoking. Your analysis of emerging technologies and design principles was thorough and well-researched, and your writing was engaging and easy to follow.

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