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March 16, 2009

WBJ Talk Back, March 16, 2009

“To avoid tax hikes and toll hikes, the Governor should consider moving the State Transportation Department to the Worcester area. A quick review of postings on and he will find office space available out here for as little as $9 per square foot, a fraction of the going rate for space in Boston.”

Thomas Davis on a report on the governor’s transportation plan.

“The taxpayers shouldn’t be paying for criminals.”

Shawna Murray on a WBJ editorial in the March 2 edition that supported federal and state investment in education and R&D as a way to ensure our position coming out of the recession.

“I don’t really network with folks in Plymouth or Boston or North Adams or Springfield. I want to know who is in my neck of the woods; I want to support Worcester and Central Mass. as a vital, interesting place to live and work.”

Samantha McDonald on a discussion on the WBJ’s LinkedIn group about Central Massachusetts being labeled as “Boston area.”

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