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The media business has undergone significant changes since we began publishing Worcester Business Journal in 1990. In print, we’ve evolved from a predominantly black and white publication to the full-color enhanced design we feature today, and of course the internet has dramatically transformed how readers consume their news and information.
While many print publications have cut back their print run and audience in the last decade, the opposite is true for Worcester Business Journal, as the number of WBJ readers has never been greater: our highly targeted print publication reaching more than 30,000 readers every two weeks; our website attracts more than 80,000 unique users each month; and our WBJ Daily Report e-newsletter along with weekly niche coverage of manufacturing and health care – each with close to 6,000 subscribers and growing – mean Worcester Business Journal has never had a larger audience. Add to that 10 events a year drawing more than 2,000 business leaders for learning, networking and celebrating, and you can understand why our brand is so strong in the Central Mass community.
With a lot of data at our fingertips, we have been paying close attention to how our audience accesses our digital content. Our mobile device readership has grown from a small percentage of visits just a few years ago to account for more than 40% of our online traffic. With that increase in mind, we’ve invested in a new “responsive” web platform that allows us to deliver a significantly better mobile experience, delivering all of our content in a user-friendly format, regardless of whether we’re being read on a phone, iPad or laptop/desktop computer.
Putting a value on our content
The true value of Worcester Business Journal begins and ends with the quality of our editorial content. Our readers turn to us for news they won’t find in other media, and WBJ delivers a value that is deeper than just being in the know. Readers rely on our coverage for timely news - but also to inform business strategy and to identify and evaluate opportunities for their organizations and for themselves. In today’s media landscape, there is an increasing demand for professionally produced, unbiased, insightful business coverage.
WBJ has responded to this call by investing in our editorial resources and with a newly designed website. While this is the fourth version of the WBJ website in its 29 years of publishing, it’s by far the most powerful and user friendly version we’ve ever produced.
An easy-to-use metered paywall
With this new website we are joining the media movement toward metered access to our proprietary content. The new website will introduce an easy-to-use metered paywall – similar to many other magazines and periodicals that have implemented this model. In exchange for delivering WBJ award-winning content to you seamlessly on all of our platforms, we will charge readers a fair price - one month’s access to all WBJ content will cost just $5.
Under our metered paywall setup, everyone can access up to six articles on WBJournal.com over a 30-day period. You may move up the scale and access up to 12 stories within 30 days simply by registering for free on the site. To get unlimited access, you will need to purchase a monthly membership.
WBJ membership will have a couple of levels: Classic Members will have full access to the website, including daily news stories, the current issue and all articles in the archives. They get all print and digital issues, early access to content, and exclusive content. We are also offering a Premium Membership, which has all those same benefits, but includes access to all the industry lists from our annual Book of Lists as well as discounts to attend WBJ events.
How it works
If we already have your email and mailing address in our system, you will receive an email with a personalized link to create your online registration. If you don’t receive a link, you can create a new registration by visiting WBJournal.com. It’s pretty easy. When you register, you’ll be asked to confirm your email newsletter selections. Please make sure you do this step otherwise you may be unsubscribed to an email newsletter you currently receive. If you’re a print subscriber, you’ll be asked to link your print subscription to your online account. Under the new model, current paid print subscribers will automatically become Classic Members once they register.
As with most new web features, there may be some bumps along the way as we get used to using the new site. WBJ staff is on standby, ready to help if you have questions. We really value your feedback, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or our editor Brad Kane at BKane@wbjournal.com if you have a comment or suggestion.
Our goal is to continue to provide our readers with good value: standout local reporting on our business community and data on the marketplace you simply can’t find anywhere else.
We’re grateful for your continued support and are driven to deliver the quality content you expect every story, every issue, every day.
Peter Stanton