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June 24, 2021

WBJ awarded as a top business journal, honored for coverage of Polar Park and women in the workplace

Worcester Business Journal was honored as a top three business journal of its size in the industry, being honored with four total awards for its investigative and feature writing and design, during the annual ceremony Wednesday from the international industry group Alliance of Area Business Publishers.

WBJ received the Bronze Award in the Best Overall Newspaper category from AABP, competing with other business journals in the medium-sized category. AABP is an journalism industry organization of business journals from small, medium and large markets in the U.S., Canada, and Australia.

"We strive every day to bring compelling business journalism to Central Massachusetts, not shying away from uncomfortable issues," WBJ Editor Brad Kane said. "To be honored as among the best with our peers at AABP is a nice affirmation of the work we do."

WBJ has finished in the top three in the Best Overall category every year since 2016, including winning the first-place Gold Award in 2020. In awarding WBJ third place this year in the Best Overall category, the judges from the University of Missouri School of Journalism particularly called out coverage of issues facing women in the workplace.

"This entry stands out for spectacular themed sections and outstanding sourcing and writing on subjects that are critical to business," the judges wrote. “'The Boardroom Gap' and 'Disrespected' are stories that show an ability to do extraordinary interviewing on women’s work issues. Design is clean, and covers thoughtful, with a mix of photographs and graphics."

Former WBJ news editor Grant Welker won the Gold Award in the Best Investigative Reporting for his coverage of the $160-million Polar Park public baseball stadium in the article “Under negotiation: Worcester yet to finalize PawSox deal or obtain lease for ballpark property".

"This report sweeps up the loose ends in what seems to be a stunningly inept deal to bring a minor league baseball team to town," the judges wrote. "With just months before the anticipated first pitch, the delays and cost overruns and lack of clear direction are laid out clearly and with an appropriate sense of bewilderment."

Welker has won the Gold Award in the Best Investigative Reporting category from AABP for the last four consecutive years.

Freelancer Sarah Connell Sanders also won a Gold Award for Best Feature for her story "Disrespected: Sexual harassment leaves professional women & their companies dealing with the fallout”.

"This feature offers a bold portrait of courageous corporate executives struggling to transform the Old Boys Club that has long subdued them," the judges wrote. "Their stories are sobering and infuriating, but their determination and resilience is ultimately inspirational."

WBJ Art Director Mitch Hayes won a Bronze Award in the Best Overall Design category, with the judges particularly calling out his work on the "Black Businesses Matter" story written in the wake of George Floyd's murder, as well as Hayes' work on the annual 40 Under Forty publication.

"The designer really succeeded with the combination of photo and words on the “Black businesses matter,” cover," the judges wrote. "The environmental photo is top-notch. Inside, readers are treated to two pages of briefs to get them off and running. Headlines feature a typographic combination that adds dimension to the pages. Stories are told with text, photos and an array of graphics. The 40 under 40 package has individual pandemic-era photos that offer a nice assortment and subdivisions."

Hayes has been honored in the Best Overall Design category in four of the last five years.

WBJ's sister publications Hartford Business Journal and MaineBiz, all divisions of New England Business Media, also came away with hardware from AABP on Wednesday. HBJ won four awards for its personality profiles, editorials, recurring features, and explanatory journalism. MaineBiz won a top award for its design work.

The WBJ four awards from AABP on Wednesday came after April's ceremony from the regional journalism organization New England Newspaper & Press Association, where WBJ won 11 awards, honoring economic, diversity, design and podcast work.

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