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September 15, 2010

Time To Polish The Resume?

Since the start of the recession, many workers have been concentrating on doing whatever it takes to keep their current job. Now, though, more may be wondering if the time is coming to look for something better. Boston outplacement and executive coaching firm ClearRock says the next few months could see some big shifts in the work landscape.

ClearRock quotes a recent survey by the Conference Board that found only 45 percent of Americans are satisfied with their jobs, the lowest satisfaction rate since the survey began 22 years ago. It also cites a survey that found 56 percent of employers expect to lose top talent as the economy warms up.

According to ClearRock, some of the factors contributing to workers' dissatisfaction are increased workloads as companies shrink their staffs, salary freezes and pay cuts.

For employees who are considering making a change, ClearRock suggests several factors to consider.

Good reasons to leave include finding a great opportunity someplace else, or excessive stress, lack of challenge and lack of appreciation at your current job, according to the firm. Another good reason to leave is a workplace that's become demoralized, where everyone fears for the stability of their position.

There are plenty of reasons to stay, as well, though. ClearRock says layoffs have risen over the past couple of months. Taking a new job makes you the person with least seniority, which means you could be the first laid off. A new job may also expect you to achieve results more quickly than in economic boom times, and it may be harder to find a mentor in a new environment than in a workplace where you're already settled and comfortable.

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