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February 28, 2011

Talk Back from the Feb. 28, 2011 issue

"We've lost about a week’s worth of business so far year-to-date, but hope to pick up additional business when spring breaks (finally), and there is additional repair work to be done."

Doug Curving on a discussion about the impact of the snow on business at WBJ’s LinkedIn discussion group.

"It has been a tough few weeks. Prospecting for clients has been much tougher when companies are closed."

Bill Gonzalez on the same LinkedIn discussion about the weather.

"Obama and the Massachusetts government — the pied pipers of fools."

Rooster on a WBJ Daily Report item about comments from David Morales, the commissioner of the state Division of Health Care Finance and Policy, at a local chamber event.

"The average adult consumes $700 per month in imported goods. If we could reduce that to $517 per person per month, we would have no trade deficit at all."

Randyerwin on a WBJ Daily Report item on the growth of the U.S. trade deficit.

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