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September 28, 2009

Study: Positive Thinking Helps Job Search

A team of researchers from three universities says that careful planning and a positive attitude can make for a more successful job search.

Setting goals and developing a plan increase success during initial job interviews, while maintaining positive emotions is important later in a job search, the scientists found.

The researchers also found that the personality traits extroversion and conscientiousness both positively influence job-seekers' success early and late in the search and interview process. The researchers surveyed 327 job seekers three separate times to measure personality, demographics, emotions and the outcomes of the seekers' efforts.

The researchers are from the University of Missouri, Marquette University and the University of Maryland. Their study is entitled "Effects of Conscientiousness and Extraversion on New Labor Market Entrants' Job Search: The Mediating Role of Metacognitive Activities and Positive Emotions."

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