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February 18, 2021

Open Sky, UMass Medical School coordinating on art therapy study

Open Sky Community Services, a Worcester human services nonprofit, is participating in a study sponsored by UMass Medical School in Worcester on how art therapy can help those with serious mental illness.

Ken Bates, president and CEO of Open Sky Community Services

The study, which Open Sky announced Thursday, will gauge whether what's known as the Zentangle Method, which encourages participants to relax as they create their patterned drawings called tangles, can improve symptoms and daily functioning. The study, which will include Open Sky patients, will take place by video chat over a 14-week period and include those with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or major depressive disorder.

Zentangle Founders Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts are long-time supporters of Alternatives Unlimited, which merged with The Bridge of Central Massachusetts in 2018 to form Open Sky, and who have continued to support the organization. Zentangle volunteers have previously offered free classes to those attending Open Sky's safe drop-in program for LGBTQ youth.

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