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August 12, 2013

Natick IT Firm Helping Hospitals Find 'Meaningful Use'

With a new CEO on board and federal health care reform requirements prompting U.S. hospitals to connect to information health care exchanges, Natick-based Interbit Data sees ample opportunity to grow.

Founded in 1997, the company last week announced the arrival of Ken Hoffman as its new leader. He brings with him more than 20 years of experience in the health care IT industry, as well as his own firm, HCISolution Inc., which will be a development arm of Interbit, but will be run separately.

Federal 'Meaningful Use' Law Drives Business

As CEO, Hoffman said he will lead Interbit's hospital clients toward complying with the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology’s (ONC) “meaningful use” regulations, which requires hospitals to connect to health information exchanges to maximize reimbursement from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS).

The rules act as incentives for hospitals and other health care providers to adopt measures that improve patient care and reduce cost, according to the federal government.

Interbit is on the leading edge in the health care IT field, according to Hoffman, because its product, NetDelivery, has been certified as by the ONC to transmit confidential clinical information.

Now, the company will allow providers to share patient information with each other, making it “outward facing,” rather than limited to internal use.

“What we plan on doing is taking this product to the next level,” said Hoffman, who founded HCISolution in 2012 after a lengthy stint as founding partner of the health care IT firm Iatric Systems Inc., in Boxford.

With U.S. hospitals having largely adopted the first stage of federal meaningful use records according to Hoffman, Interbit is eying the next stage, which includes measures that will prompt hospitals to adopt patient portals. Hoffman said Interbit will look at tailoring its product accordingly.

Adding Home-Based Employees

With ample opportunity ahead, it's not surprising that Interbit is gearing up to expand in the near future.

Outgoing CEO Arthur Young, who will continue as founding partner with a focus on research and development, said in a statement he expects the company to increase revenue and profitability under Hoffman. Interbit currently has about 800 customers in the U.S., Canada and the United Kingdom, plus 10 brought on from HCISolution.

Meanwhile, Hoffman said he expects Interbit to add new staff, most of whom will be home-based employees across the country. The firm may also add one or two staff members at its Natick headquarters, which currently houses 14 employees.

“We will absolutely be growing. There is no way around it,” Hoffman said.

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