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November 4, 2015

MBI incubates 100th business in Worcester

Courtesy Photo MyoSyntax is the 100th start-up to be housed in the Massachusetts Biomedical Initiatives business incubator in Worcester.

The muscle health-focused company MyoSyntax is the 100th start-up to be housed in the Massachusetts Biomedical Initiatives business incubator in Worcester, MBI announced Wednesday.

MyoSyntax uses a blood and muscle sample to provide a personalized anabolic profile that helps people to achieve their fitness goals. The technology for MyoSyntax was invented by Monty Montano, an associate professor at Harvard Medical School who is the Director of Muscle & Aging Interventions at Brigham & Women’s Hospital. The company is currently funded by the National Institutes of Health.

MBI is a non-profit business incubator at 60 Prescott St. that helps start-up biomedical companies get their feet on the ground in the competitive life and health science industry. It provides flexible lab spaces, shared equipment access, and health & safety services to lower the challenges in starting a successful life science company. According to MBI, it has helped create 550 jobs since the year 2000.

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