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November 17, 2023

Mass. unemployment rate up slightly from September

A large glass office building, with a small set of stairs leading to the door. Cars are parked in front. Image | Courtesy of Google Maps The Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development in Boston

After holding steady in September, unemployment numbers in Massachusetts ticked slightly upward in October.

October’s rate was 2.8%, up 0.2% from the revised September rate of 2.6%, according to a Friday press release from the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development. 

The state rate of 2.8% is lower than the national rate of 3.9% that was reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. BLS estimated Massachusetts lost 800 jobs in October.

The education and health services fields saw the most growth, with 3,700 jobs being gained. These fields have seen a gain of 32,900 jobs over-the-year.

Professional, scientific, and business services accounted for the largest decline, with 3,800 jobs being lost. Despite this loss, these fields have still seen a growth of 11,400 jobs over-the-year. 

State officials estimate that 3,618,900 Massachusetts residents were employed in October, while 102,700 were unemployed. An estimated 77,100 jobs have been gained since October 2022.

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