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December 7, 2015 LETTER

Mass. must raise solar caps higher

I'm pleased to see the debate around net metering receiving attention. Last week the legislature almost passed legislation addressing caps on net metering, the program that compensates solar customers fairly for the power they put back into the grid.

Since the cap was hit in March, solar projects have stalled in 171 communities, costing jobs and investment. Lifting the caps is essential for Massachusetts to move towards a renewable and prosperous energy future.

The bill that almost passed, however, would've done more harm than good. It only raised the cap 2 percentage points, enough to relieve the backlog of projects but not enough for more. We would've hit the new caps by the spring. Furthermore, the bill set up a wholesale-only compensation rate for solar customers, making harder to finance solar projects, especially for low-income communities and renters who need the benefits of solar most.

I urge the legislature to address net metering caps immediately in January, but with a bill that lifts the caps more than 2 percentage points and ensures a brighter energy future.

Julia Dougherty


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