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July 18, 2013

Mass. Jobless Rate Rises To 7%

The Massachusetts unemployment rate shot up to 7 percent in June from 6.6 percent in May despite the fact that the Bay State gained 2,800 jobs last month, according to preliminary numbers released by the Patrick administration today.

Two economic sectors – education and health services (1,300 jobs) and leisure and hospitality (700) – accounted for the largest gains. However, two other sectors saw large losses: professional, scientific and business services lost 1,900 positions while trade, transportation and utilities shed 900 in June, according to data provided by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development (EOLWD).

The rise in the state jobless rate goes against the grain of what’s taking place nationally. The Massachusetts rate in January was 6.7 percent. It fell to 6.4 percent in March and April before heading in the other direction. Meanwhile, the national rate in January was 7.9 percent, but fell to 7.5 percent in April before ticking back upward to 7.6 percent in May and June.

Still, the rise in the Bay State rate may indicate that more people are seeking work. The EOLWD said the state has gained 20,500 jobs since the start of the year, and 40,300 since June 2012, indicating a stronger job market. When an economy is gaining more jobs, more working-age adults who had stopped looking for work decide to re-enter the labor force.

Each of the three Central Massachusetts regions the state measures also saw increases in their unemployment rates between May 2012 and May 2013. Worcester’s rate rose from 7.2 percent to 7.4 percent; Framingham’s from 4.8 percent to 5.3 percent; and Leominster-Fitchburg-Gardner from 8.8 percent to 9 percent.

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Mass. Unemployment Up Again

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