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December 30, 2021

Mass. DPH launches smoking cessation campaign

WBJ File Photo The Massachusetts Department of Public Health launched a new public awareness campaign about public smoking cessation tools.

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health announced on Wednesday the launch of a new public awareness campaign aimed at promoting state tools to help residents quit smoking and vaping nicotine products.

Dubbed Take the First Step, the campaign encourages those struggling with nicotine addiction to call the Massachusetts Quitline (1-800-QUIT-NOW) or visit the resource page.

The new campaign will run on TV, radio, social media, digital media, on billboard and in print ads both in English and Spanish, per Wednesday’s announcement.

The free Quitline program includes access to cessation coaches, connection with local counselors and quit-smoking groups, as well as multilingual support. There are a variety of specialty programs for people with different health and social backgrounds.

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