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February 16, 2009

Marketing Insight | A struggling economy dictates cost-effective marketing campaigns

The current state of the economy is forcing small and large enterprises alike to consider alternative means of marketing — some low cost, some free. The following suggestions offer strategies that can increase your exposure (and your profitability) without depleting your bank account.

The key with most of these elements is not direct promotion. Instead, it’s a focus on establishing your expertise by sharing your wisdom, your time and your energy.

Marketing of all kinds requires investment of something to get it moving, be it time, or money. Marketing with money doesn’t always take that much time, but marketing effectively without it almost always does.

Take these pieces of advice with the understanding that they will work given the proper dedication and focus.

Article Contribution

What you’re reading is a great example. Come up with “top 10” lists and “how-to” columns where you can establish your expertise and give people a taste of what it might be like to work with you. Contribute these articles to syndicate web sites or your local business publication. Seek out audiences that would benefit from your advice.

Internet Marketing

Not all internet marketing has to cost money. You can optimize your web site for greater visibility, exchange links with related companies, and — most simply — update your online content regularly. Think about the web sites you visit most often and why you visit them, and you’ll begin to see what yours is lacking.

Create accounts on social networking sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Update your status daily, connect with everyone you know, and leverage existing relationships to create new ones.

As with article contribution, establish your expertise by posting blogs covering “top 10” lists and “how-to” topics. Drive traffic to your blog via your social networks and by engaging meaningfully on other people’s blogs.

Even changing the signature of your e-mail can help.

Strategic Partnerships

A strategic partnership is an alliance between two businesses that is usually formalized by one or more agreements, but isn’t as permanent as a merger.

The best companies to strategically partner with are the ones that offer a mutually referring relationship already, such as a massage therapist and a chiropractor.

Public Speaking

Look for speaking opportunities where you can tell your story or educate people on a specific topic of interest. It’s very important to note that you absolutely cannot sell from the podium. It will destroy your credibility very quickly. Ironically, to sell from the podium, you must specifically avoid selling.

Internal Referrals

Your best and most abundant business comes from your very own client base.

Ask your existing clientele for more business, and for referrals.

Develop loyalty programs that keep people coming back to you, and conduct short surveys where clients can anonymously tell you the truth about your business so you can improve it. Some clients may like you, but until you can offer them a problem-free business experience, they may be hesitant to refer others to you.

Laura Briere is the CEO of Vision Advertising and specializes in Internet marketing and lead generation. She can be reached at


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