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October 3, 2017

Lancaster native to lead MassDOT highways

Courtesy/MassDOT Jonathan Gulliver of Lancaster has been chosen as the MassDOT Highway Administrator.

A Lancaster native has been appointed the highway administrator for the Massachusetts Department of Transportation.

Currently the acting highway administrator, Jonathan Gulliver, will officially take the helm of the highway division, according to a DOT press release Monday.

Gulliver had previously served as director of Highway District 3, which is made up of 77 Central Massachusetts communities.

While serving as acting administrator, Gulliver has overseen several major projects, including the $81.8-million Commonwealth Avenue Bridge replacement in Boston and the $244-million Fore River Bridge replacement in Quincy and Weymouth.

Gulliver will take the place of Thomas Tinlin, who took a leave of absence in May and resigned in July due to a medical issue.

He takes the position as the department as work is set to begin on a 78,000-square-foot, $35.5-million administrative building on Plantation Parkway in Worcester.

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