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August 29, 2011

Highlights from the Aug. 29, 2011 issue

On Page One

BUDGET PRESSURES — Local contractors are cautious about the potential impact of cuts to the U.S. Department of Defense spending.

SPENDING IMPLICATIONS — What impact, if any, will municipal credit rating downgrades have on local economic development?

FEE SCHEDULE — A look at what’s driving up closing costs in Mass. and the United States.

News & Analysis

SUNSET — Analysts sound off on the future of the now bankrupt Evergreen Solar of Massachusetts.

LOOKING AHEAD — Local officials say a national park designation for the Blackstone River Valley could spur business in the region.

TECH ED — Massachusetts may lead in physics education, but there’s more work to be done to prepare the workforce of tomorrow, experts say.

LEADERSHIP CHANGE — Milford-based biosciences firm SeraCare finds itself at a crossroads. 

OPEN ENROLLMENT  - Apuzzling state report finds that more people are insured in Massachusetts, but fewer are obtaining their insurance through their employers.

Special Focus: 40 Under Forty

2011 Winner Profiles 

Meet the Judges

The List

Top Human Service & Cultural Nonprofits 

Shop Talk

Q&A with Marcy Reed, president, National Grid in Massachusetts 


Behind the Sound Bite


Digital Diva 


10 Things



Movers & Shakers 

Photo Finish 

Small Business Corner 

Talk Back 

Op-ed: Bottle Bill

Op-ed: Marketing Worcester


Corrections: An article headlined, "Bottle Bill Is A Recycled Debate On Beacon Hill" in the Aug. 15 issue of the Worcester Business Journal incorrectly reported the increase of the handling fee for bottles, which will rise from 2.25 cents to 3.25 cents. The story should have specified that while unclaimed deposits are currently allocated to the state's general fund, the proposed bill calls for that revenue to be put toward recycling efforts. Also, the legislation is co-sponsored by 81 members of the state legislature.

Also in the Aug. 15 editon, a story headlined, "Schools Juggle Logistics, Costs Of Ever-Changing Technology" gave an incorrect name for an Apple product schools are using to produce multimedia content. The name of the software is iTunes U. 

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