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February 15, 2010

Highest And Best

And while user friendliness is the topic, the Worcester City Council must become more so. Last month, council members aimed their ire at WinnDevelopment, which is in the process of redeveloping the old Chevalier furniture building in the city’s Canal District and was until recently in negotiations to do the same for Lincoln Square Boys Club.

The council said that because Winn is seeking to make about half of that development’s housing units “affordable,” the developer is simply grabbing at public money without regard for the city. We think the council is wrongheaded in its view. The old boys club building is one of a cluster of enormous, vacant buildings in Lincoln Square. And though the city has passed over Winn and named as “preferred developer” a company that intends to make the boys club building a market rate housing complex, it is not better to let these structures rot while waiting for such developers to come along. Winn was partnering with the Worcester Business Development Corp. on the boys club project and is still involved with the redevelopment of another former Vocational School building in the neighborhood, but rather than being an obstacle to two such organizations, we suggest the council step aside and watch as Lincoln Square is transformed for the better.

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