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October 1, 2020

Gas prices drop one cent in Massachusetts

Photo | Grant Welker A gas station at Park Avenue and Institute Road in Worcester

The average price of gasoline is down one cent per gallon of regular unleaded from last week in Massachusetts, according to a Monday report from travel organization AAA Northeast.

As of Monday, the average price per gallon is $2.11. This is seven cents lower than the national average which is $2.18 per gallon.

Last year at the same time, the average gas price in Massachusetts was up 49 cents at $2.60 per gallon.

“Low demand, even as gasoline stocks decline, has helped pump prices decline or hold steady on the week,” said Mark Schieldrop, spokesman AAA Northeast, in a press release. “That is likely to continue into the fall as the season sees fewer road trips, especially amid the pandemic.”

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