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July 9, 2007

Editorial 2: A good-bye to Spag's

The wrecking ball is aimed at the old Spag's building in Shrewsbury. The giant countenance of white ten-gallon hat-wearing Anthony "Spag" Borgatti long gone, the building itself will soon be torn down to make way for a new mixed-use development.

Although Spag's had not been Spag's since the Building 19 chain bought the store in 2002, the presence of the building was a reminder of what once was.

Spag's was unlike any other retail store, and Spag himself should remind us that current efforts to convince shoppers to buy from locally owned and operated establishments shouldn't be undertaken with only high-end retailers in mind.

With the wrecking ball poised over the landmark building, we remember the store - and the man - fondly.

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