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September 3, 2007

Carol Southworth


Title: Senior Vice President, Retail
Company: Leominster Credit Union
Company location: Leominster
Residence: Leicester 

Career highlights:
Currently I am the senior vice president of the retail division of Leominster Credit Union. I oversee a branch network of six locations in Central Massachusetts as well as an in-house contact center. I also have oversight responsibilities for facilities, a business development and bank at work department, security and Bank Secrecy Act regulations and compliance. My career in the financial services industry began 20 years ago as a teller.

Community involvement:
Currently, I serve on the board of directors of Central Massachusetts Junior Achievement. In addition to providing input on the strategic goals and initiatives for the group, I have taken an active involvement in the classroom teaching. I love volunteering in local classrooms. Kindergarten-aged youngsters are my favorite. They are open, curious and have a naturally positive attitude and enthusiasm. These children have a genuine thirst for knowledge that is refreshing. I am also co-captain of the LCU Cancer Crusaders. The team participates in the American Cancer Society Relay for Life each year. It is an emotional and inspirational event to see cancer survivors, many as young as tem years old, walking the survivors’ lap each year.

Biggest success:
I have achieved many professional successes and milestones in my career including career advancements. While they are rewarding, the bigger success stories for me are in the employees whose careers I have been instrumental in developing. Mentoring employees and helping them to find their career niche is tremendously satisfying.

Dream job:
I’m a football fanatic. I would love to be a sports broadcaster in the National Football League.

Businessperson she most admires and why:
I have worked with and for many individuals who have motivated and inspired me. It would be difficult to select just one. Two people in the public eye that I personally admire are Bob Kraft and Oprah Winfrey. Since purchasing the New England Patriots, Bob Kraft has instituted a business plan considered by many to be the best in the National Football League. He has built an organization that is a model for other teams. Oprah Winfrey has committed her time and resources to philanthropy. Her dedication to improving the lives of those less fortunate is inspiring.

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